After an eleven hour flight from Frankfurt to Vancouver, where my sweet significant other will open his eyes and say that it was give or take ten hours…..I leave comments to posterity but permit myself a touch of drama…
Bear in mind that he had travelled the whole way comfortably seated next to a laid back Italian and a movie addicted Canadian, with what is more 2 meters of leg room in order to travel in style…whilst I was sitting next to someone who reminded me of the Little Match Girl….weighing in at 100kgs…
But, getting back to us, the travelling hours apart, I can guarantee that the stress level was high if you consider a trip that had seen me go half-way around the world, against the wind and with the Little Match Girl breathing down my back…
Fortunately, my morale was still high…’cause I consider the good moments, right?
To begin with we were travelling light since Air Canada was still taking care of our luggage…although we did give in to a wee bit of a shopping spree mainly to avoid the boredom of a six hour transit layover…
Wild shopping it was…with oven mitts ‘Made in Canada’…fridge magnets ‘Made in Vancouver’, coffee mug ‘made God knows where’…(but oh so pretty..) for my mother in law…..needing over eight hours to buy and leaving us still with over five hours to wait before our next flight.
We had been away from home well, over twenty hours and to while away the time we also played cards, and my man was not fair, then or at any time when we played cards during the entire holiday.
Greenland Cliffs
Is something missing in the tale, you think? Haven’t you yet wondered what we were going to do once we got to California?
We had a few ideas in truth, but we had not yet had our fill of unexpected scenarios, so were waiting to get to our next mid-destination to buy the tickets for what was supposed to be our last and final one…
Just in case shops were out of oven mitts, magnets et al.
On the other hand, and as you have by now correctly surmised, planning ahead is our daily bread…and what is more the card games were so exciting as to make us forget that at the end of the day we would have been only 4800 Ks from our goal.